Year 7 and Year 9 Academic Scholarships

Moriah College offers academic scholarships to students entering Year 7, who can display established academic excellence or significant promise in a range of academic areas. Academic scholarships for students entering Year 7 will cover partial tuition fees from Year 7 until the end of Year 12.  

Academic Scholarships for entry into Year 9 are awarded from time to time, on a discretionary basis, for students able to demonstrate established excellence in a range of areas. 

Scholarships are awarded based on the candidate's achievement in specially designed diagnostic tests, and an interview with shortlisted candidates, provided that all other conditions of enrolment have been satisfied.  Academic testing is conducted by Academic Assessment Services (AAS)

Applicants for a Year 7 Academic scholarship are automatically eligible to apply for a Music Scholarship and/or an All-Round Excellence Scholarship (see separate information) and are not required to pay an additional application fee.

All external applications must also hold a current application for enrolment to Moriah College. Click here to access the application formIn exceptional circumstances, the College may offer Scholarships to students in other Year groups.

Application close  Wednesday, 5 February 2025. 
Examination date Sunday, 16 February. 


What fee reductions do the scholarships provide?
Scholarship awards cover partial tuition fees of between 25 – 75%.  Additional costs such as uniform items, computer notebook, textbooks, excursions and consolidated charges are not included. The value of each Scholarship may vary depending on the calibre of the applicant. The school reserves the right to withhold a Scholarship (in any Year) if there are no candidates of sufficient merit. All scholarships are subject to annual review and are normally tenable for the length of the recipient’s education at the School, subject to continuing satisfactory progress, performance and attitude. 

The testing comprises:
General reasoning and problem solving

This test assesses the ability to reason with and analyse information using verbal, mathematical, figural and spatial concepts

Mathematical achievement and General Reasoning
For primary and junior high school students these tests assess curriculum-related mathematics tasks and mathematical reasoning tasks. Middle and senior high school students are assessed on mathematics reasoning tasks. These are different to curriculum-based mathematics and focus on problem-solving skills. 

Reading Comprehension 
This test assesses the ability to remember, locate, analyse, evaluate, derive and combine text propositions with fiction and non-fiction texts of increasing complexity

Written expression 
This test assesses students' facility with written language. A stimulus is provided for students to produce a piece of writing in a particular genre (e.g. narrative or argument) depending on the requirements of the school. 
Each task is around 40-50 minutes in length, except for written expression, which is 25 minutes. 

Notification of Offer of Scholarship
Shortlisted applicants will be contacted by phone or email approximately three weeks following the testing date and invited to attend an interview. The panel interview will include members of the Scholarship Section Committee, usually the College Principal, Head of School and Director of Enrolments & Engagement. 

A letter indicating whether the applicant has been successful or otherwise will be sent to the parents/guardian by the end of Term 1, 2025. The College does not provide feedback to parents on specific aspects of the scholarship process. This includes the applicant’s performance in the scholarship examination, music aptitude test, music audition or any interview. Scholarships are awarded at the discretion of the College Principal and the College’s decision is final.

A $650 Scholarship Acceptance Deposit will be payable by families to the school on acceptance of an offer of a scholarship. If the student’s enrolment is cancelled or if the student is withdrawn from the College prior to the end of 2025, this deposit will not be refunded nor transferred to another year or to a sibling.

For more information, please contact the Moriah Enrolments and Engagement team, for the attention of Tracy Fischl at or on +61 2 9375 1814.