
Our aim is to give our students the opportunity to discover leadership qualities within themselves, work effectively with others, promote collaboration across year levels and strive to make a difference in the College and the wider community.


The Student Leadership Council consists of eight members: 

  • The College Captains (one male and one female)
  • Two Vice Captains, who are also the Jewish Life and Zionism representatives
  • Four House Captains

Role of the Student Leadership Council

To act as role models for the students of the College, demonstrating:

  • Commitment to the College’s values and ethos;
  • Engagement with the breadth of opportunities available;
  • Pride in the College (including wearing the College Uniform correctly at all times – both within the grounds and in public).

Representing the College at Community Events.

Support and encourage younger students, demonstrating:

  • Inclusion;
  • Interest in the engagement and wellbeing of other students.

Represent the student body, honouring student voice by:

  • Raising any issues of concern with Staff Mentors / members of the HSLT;
  • Intervening as appropriate if they see wrongdoing.

The Co-curricular Council 

The Co-curricular Council reflects the diversity of interests of our students and also consists of eight members:

  • Two Performing Arts Captains
  • Two Sports Captains (one male and one female)
  • One Captain of Debating and Public Speaking (who also oversees Mock Trial / Mock Mediation)
  • A Communications Captain
  • An Entrepreneurship Captain; and
  • A Captain who oversees the Student Representative Council (SRC)

Role of the Co-curricular Council

To act as role models for the students of the College, demonstrating:

  • Commitment to the College’s values and ethos;
  • Pride in the College (including wearing the College Uniform correctly at all times – both within the grounds and in public).

To help shape culture within the College through the development of a specialist area.

Contributing to events within each portfolio.

Support and encourage younger students.

Develop a culture of student engagement in a broad range of co-curricular/ inter-house activities.

Work with Staff Mentors to help build capacity amongst students.

Strengthening Project Based Leadership

Students who are not in the formal SLC or the Co-curricular Council also need opportunities to contribute and develop their own leadership skills. These roles may be more suitable for students in Years 11 or 12 who would like to concentrate on a short-term opportunity to give back / develop new skills or pursue areas that they are passionate about.

There will be a mix of roles, again working with staff mentors:

  • Captains of large-scale sports
  • Conveners who would spend a shorter but intensive period of time in developing and implementing plans for student-led activitiesChairs of a range of committees/initiatives that may run all year, but not entail such intensive work at any one time

Students across the high school have been encouraged to nominate for a range of different ‘project based’ leadership roles. To date, we have established an Environment committee, a Wellbeing committee, a committee to organise our annual Orientation Camp for Year 7 and committees to lead initiatives such as the Pink Breakfast and White Ribbon Day.