Careers Education
The Careers Office provides support for our students and their families by helping students to identify and understand their strengths and capabilities.
Career Education at Moriah enables students to:
• Gain an awareness of their individual abilities, interests and values and how these relate to their career planning.
• Acquire a knowledge of the world of work, further education and training opportunities.
• Make career decisions based on self-knowledge and the range of options available.
• Acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to implement their decisions.
The Career Education program is embedded across all subjects, with individual counselling, excursions and guest speakers. The Moriah College Careers Office helps students to grow, learn, and transition into the world of work post school.
Current parents and students can view the Careers tile on eLY for more specific information and resources relating to our Careers Education program at Moriah.
our offering by year level
Year 10
• Careers workshops for all Year 10 students focusing on topics such as writing a resume, job seeking and interviews.
• Practice job interviews for all Year 10 students with industry personnel from a wide range of occupations.
• Student interviews between Year 10 students and the Careers Adviser, who can provide assistance with the subject selection process, this includes the enrolment in TAFE delivered Vocational Education and Training (TVET) courses, the checking of Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) and NSW Education Standards (NESA) requirements for completion of the HSC.
• School work experience program/community service for all Year 10 students.
Year 11
• Assistance and support for Year 11 students considering transitioning from school to work during senior study.
• Monitoring of students attending TVET courses outside of school and liaising with TAFE in regard to students’ attendance and performance.
• Checking of subject changes made by students during the Preliminary Course to ensure they meet ATAR requirements and NESA guidelines to qualify for the level of the HSC.
• Job Jump: access to information regarding all post school options (current students can contact the Careers Adviser for login details).
Year 12
• One to one counselling, Career Alumni Breakfast, UAC preference, EAS applications, Schools recommendation scheme, Early entry programs, University open days, guest speakers, SAT examinations.
• Assistance and support for Year 12 students considering transitioning from school to work, or school to University.
• Monitoring of students attending TVET courses outside of school and liaising with TAFE in regard to student’s attendance and performance.
• Checking of subject changes made by students during the HSC to ensure they meet ATAR requirements and NESA guidelines to qualify for the level of the HSC.
• Careers Newsletters - “In the Know with Careers” - produced fortnightly and available to students via eLY and email.
• Support from the school Careers Adviser up to one year after graduating High School.